Eye Wash Chemistry Procedures
An eye or face wash is used to flush your face and your eyes. These devices must be in workplaces or laboratories where people work with potentially hazardous material. Different eye wash devices you might find are a hand-held drench hose (a flexible hose connected to a water supply), plumbed eye washes which are permanently connected to a water source and self-contained eye washes containing their own flushing fluid that must be replaced after each use.
Call for medical attention immediately, then flush eyes with cool water for at least 15 minutes. Do not rub your eyes. Hold your eyes open with your hands when using the eyewash and allow the water to go directly into your eyes.
Prior to working with chemicals, read and make sure you understand each material safety data sheet and the effects and dangers of the chemicals with which you're working.
Wear personal protective equipment such as goggles and face masks to prevent injury. Know where eye washes are located and how to help yourself or others if they need to use them.