Guidelines for PPE
Flu Protection
The guidelines state that use of PPE, such as a face mask or glove, will not guarantee protection against the flu, whether in the normal flu system or in a severe outbreak. While PPEs certainly will not hurt and they can carry advantages, other measure such as hand washing, use of hand sanitizers, avoiding people with the flu and proper coughing techniques are of the greatest value.
Home Care for Sick
For individuals who care for the sick in homes, the guidelines are similar to those listed for flu protection. Use of PPE is advised but, again, use will not guarantee absolute protection and actions such as hand washing must be employed. According to the Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA), sole reliance on PPE is not the answer. The hazard must be controlled by means of actions listed to counter the flu or other infectious diseases.
Reuse of PPE
On this point the guidelines give clear advice. Do not reuse PPEs and do not wash them. Washing destroys the protective value, while reuse carries the risk of exposure due to the PPE being contaminated at the time of original use. PPEs are disposable items, so when in doubt discard them.