Hurricane Evacuation Tips
What to Pack
If there are four people in your family, take four gallons of water with you. Each person should have access to one gallon of water, per day. Take food that will not spoil, as well as blankets, medications that you need and some clothes. Grab a flashlight, batteries, a first aid kit and a manual can opener.
Put Boards Over Windows and Other Musts
According to, if you have been instructed to turn off the gas, water and/or electricity then do so before leaving. Unplug the electrical appliances in your house.
Put boards over the windows in your home. Installing anchors for the wood and drilling holes in the wood prior to the emergency allows you to quickly board up windows.
Listen to the Weather Report
Get online, if possible, or listen to the TV or radio news to find out which is the best evacuation route to take. You want to avoid road closures and, of course, you want to stay out of the path of the storm.
Is Your Car Ready?
Fill up your gas tank and ensure that the car is equipped with jumper cables, a spare tire and a flashlight.
Cell Phone and Charger and Radio
Remember to take your cell phone and the charger so you can stay in touch with friends and family members. Take along a battery operated radio so you can keep abreast of the weather report.
You will need some cash, so rob your piggy bank or get to the ATM.
Gather up important papers, such as insurance policies, health insurance cards, identification cards and anything else that you may need in the upcoming days.
Don't forget your pets. If they can't go with you, try to find an emergency shelter that will house them. If you can't find anywhere to board them, take them with you. Motels and hotels may allow the pets to stay in the room with you in a crisis, for an additional fee.
Contact FEMA or the Red Cross to determine where shelters are and how to get there.
If you are able tell your family members who live in other states that you are evacuating and will keep them posted if possible.
Let your employer know that you are evacuating and aren't available to work.