How Do I Create an EMS Moulage Kit?
Things You'll Need
- Large plastic bin
- Small plastic containers
- Plastic zipper-type bags
- Permanent markers
- Petroleum jelly13-ounce jars, 2
- Cornstarch, 16 ounce packages, 3
- Cocoa powder, 2 to 6 tablespoons
- Spatula
- Rubber gloves
- 16 ounces of liquid fabric softener
- Red food coloring
- Blue food coloring
- Gycerin
- Water
- Spray bottle
- Instant oatmeal mix
Gather basic items such as cotton swabs, alchohol prep pads, bandages and tape and organize in containers within the large plastic bin.
Make simulated "skin" to create wounds or bruises by placing two13-ounce jars of petroleum jelly, three 16-ounce packages of cornstarch and two to six tablespoons of cocoa powder into a large mixing bowl. The cocoa powder is used to add color to the skin. Mix carefully first by spatula, but then with rubber-gloved hands. Knead until well-mixed. The simulated skin should not be sticky or too dry. Store in a closed plastic container.
Create "blood" for the EMS moulage kit by adding 16 ounces of liquid laundry starch and two ounces of red food coloring and five drops of blue food coloring. Mix together and place in a leak-proof plastic container and label with marking pen.
Make "sweat" for disaster "victims" by adding three parts of glycerin to one part of water in a plastic spray bottle. Label spray bottle.
Mix a batch of "vomit" by adding a package of instant oatmeal with water. To increase the realistic look add other food items like pieces of corn and peas. Make the "vomit" mix only when it is going to be used in a drill or demonstration, as this is made from a food product, and it should not be stored, as it can develop mold.