How to Respond to a Bomb Threat
If you receive a bomb threat via telephone, keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Remain courteous and don't patronize the caller. While on the phone, try to find out as much about the situation as you can. Do not hang up the phone, as the line can be used by law officials to trace the call.
Write down all the information you receive about the situation. Ask the caller precise questions about the bomb. Find out where it is located, the type of bomb used, and when it will be detonated. If there are people nearby, try to notify them of the emergency by writing a note while you are on the phone. Tell them to call 911 immediately.
Do not hang up the phone, even if the caller has already disconnected his or her line. If possible, use a different phone to alert authorities of the emergency but avoid using a cell phone as the radio frequencies could detonate the bomb. If you only have one land line, call the police with a cell phone from outside the building. Pull the fire alarm and evacuate the building immediately. Once outside, notify the police.
Bomb threats can also appear in the form of a letter, email, or package. Never discard or delete the message. If the threat arrives in a physical form, handle it as minimally as possible as your fingerprints could contaminate the evidence. Evacuate the building and notify authorities immediately.