Flash Flood Effects
Clearing A Path
The immediate noticeable effect of flash flooding is the incredible force of rapidly flowing water in places where it doesn't normally flow. Floodwaters have enough strength to damage or destroy buildings, sometimes washing them completely off their foundations. Some floodwaters can destroy roadways, wash out bridges and take out most anything in their path.
This dangerous effect of flash flooding can trap people in their homes and make roads impassable, rendering victims helpless to escape from the danger. Air rescues are sometimes necessary to pull people to safety.
The sudden rise in the water level can often destroy sewer and drainage systems, making a potential health hazard anywhere that has been affected. Human waste and other hazardous materials can wash out into the streets and into homes and potentially contaminate drinking water supplies.
Flash flooding can quickly evict people from their homes. Rising water may not even give residents time to save their belongings before they must evacuate. Family photos and expensive or sentimental possessions can be washed away or destroyed.
People who are forced from their homes must find shelter and may not be able to return to their homes for an extended period of time. Even when the water recedes, there are likely mold problems, which also pose a health threat. Rebuilding and treating homes damaged by flooding can take weeks or even months depending on the severity. In the meantime the victim families must find alternative housing which will likely only lead to more stress and anxiety.
More Flooding
When floodwaters forcibly wash away river or creek banks, trees, shrubs and other natural features of the land it can increase the chance of the same problem happening again. This extremely fast erosion of the land can mean water will now move in a different way and could flood places repeatedly following major flood damage.
Rebuilding the land to help manage water flow can mean the difference in making an area livable or too risky to stay.