Grants for EMS in Texas
EMS Local Projects Grant
Funded by Permanent Emergency Medical Service and Trauma Care Tobacco Endowment funds, these grants are administered by the Department of State Health Services to Texas health care agencies and EMS agencies. Aimed at emergency care, the grants will be made available in 2011, and can be used toward emergency care training, health care management, patient equipment, continuing education and more. Those eligible to apply include: licensed EMS providers, first responder organizations, as well as prevention and advisory health and emergency care councils within the state of Texas. These grants also require matching funds, depending on the type of equipment or supplies purchased.
Texas Department of State Health Servcies
1100 West 49th St.
Austin, Texas 78756
Governor's Extraordinary Emergency Fund
Emergency telephone service, or 911 funds, as well as other emergency medical assistance funds in Texas are budgeted annually for emergency needs of EMS providers or other health agencies approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Applications are considered based on the impact of the need on the service district and whether the grant is needed to help maintain the service of the agency. One example may be for an equipment upgrade or replacement. These grants are not intended to expand service. Eligible applicants include licensed EMS providers, first responder agencies and hospitals.
Office of EMS/Trauma Systems, Department of State Health Services, MC 1876
P.O. Box 14934
Austin, Texas 78714
512-834-6700, ext. 2377
USDA ARRA Special Vehicle and Equipment Initiative
These grants are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. For emergency medical service providers in rural areas and towns with less than 20,000 residents, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development's Community Facilities Program offers grants to purchase emergency vehicles, such as fire trucks, ambulances, and other equipment. Low-interest loans also are available for low-income areas. Public entities are eligible to apply for funding, and the grant amount is based on the population and median household income of the service district. Grants can cover up to 75 percent of the cost of the vehicle or equipment.
Rural Housing Service/USDA
1400 Independence Ave. SW
Washington, DC 20250