Flood Relief Programs
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides monies and services to areas declared disaster areas by the president of the United States. The federal organization paid out nearly $1 billion for recovery efforts in North Carolina after hurricanes Floyd and Irene caused flooding in 1999. More than $140 million of these monies went toward individual and family grants.
Help provided included disaster home loans, disaster housing assistance, disaster unemployment assistance and crisis counseling.
If your property has been ravaged by floods and you live in an area declared a national disaster, you can apply for help through FEMA. When applying for assistance, keep a pen and paper handy to record contact information. Have your social security number handy, your current and previous address, insurance information, household income and bank account numbers if you want assistance routed directly into your bank account.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
500 C Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20472
800-621-FEMA (3362)
Red Cross
The American Red Cross is not a federal organization, but a volunteer organization that provides aid to victims of disasters locally and abroad.
The Red Cross can provide shelter in disaster areas, counseling and other services. Volunteers discuss the specific needs of individuals and families, such as food, clothing or medication. The organization provides assistance to cover rent or minor repairs to help people get back into their homes.
The Red Cross also offers assistance overseas. During devastating floods in Pakistan in 2010, the American Red Cross sent tarps, kitchen items, blankets and $100,000 in financial support to affected citizens of that country.
American Red Cross National Headquarters
2025 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
AmeriCorps VISTA
AmeriCorps Volunteers in Service for America (VISTA) was founded in 1965 to help impoverished areas. AmeriCorps VISTA works indirectly to help flood victims, recruiting volunteers, writing grants and creating new programs.
The AmeriCorps VISTA program is responsible for flood relief efforts in Iowa in 2008 and 2010, helping homeowners rebuild their houses damaged by floods.
Volunteers interested in helping flood relief through AmeriCorps VISTA receive a modest monthly living allowance for basic necessities. VISTA members who complete a term of service are eligible to receive either a Segal AmeriCorps Education Award of $4,725 to pay for college or to pay off student loans, or an end-of-service cash stipend of $1,200.
To volunteer to AmeriCorps to help with flood relief, you must be an American citizen 17 years of age or older.
1201 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20525
State Agencies
Those suffering from floods may find relief from state agencies, such as the Iowans Helping Iowans instituted in 2010. The state program is designed to complement federal assistance programs like FEMA for relief for homeowners affected by floods.
Contact your state government office to find out whether state flood relief funds are available for your specific situation.