What Are the Functions of an Emergency Cart?
When life-threatening situations occur in a hospital or other health care facility, access to critical care supplies is imperative for doctors, nurses and other medical personnel. According to the Center for the Professional Practice of Nursing, it is vitally important for doctors and nurses to be familiar with the contents of an emergency cart.
According to the Louisiana State University, the function of an emergency cart is to ensure critical, lifesaving drugs and equipment are convenient to medical staff who may need to access them during life threatening situations. Crash carts are placed in easily accessible areas and should be checked on a regular basis to ensure they remain adequately stocked. They are sometimes color coded to distinguish carts containing supplies for adults, from those intended for use in pediatrics.
According to the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Centers, an emergency cart usually contains medications, airway supplies, circulation equipment, IV solutions and installation apparatus, along with other miscellaneous items which vary depending on the individual institution.