How to Clean Up After a Hurricane
Things You'll Need
- Water extractor
- Buckets
- Towels
- Bottled water
- Emergency survival kit
Return to the hurricane site only after you have been given the clearance by emergency officials to do so. Do not return to begin cleaning up after a hurricane if you do not have permission to be in the area. Follow instructions and stay out of the hurricane site until it is completely safe to return. Check with local officials if you are not sure whether it is safe to return.
Put on protective garments such as disposable gloves, long pants, long sleeved shirts, socks, rubber boots and a disposable face mask. Keep as much of your skin away from the flood waters that were deposited during the hurricane. Stay hydrated while cleaning up and drink bottled water. Take frequent breaks and work with at least one other person for safety.
Take pictures and write down notes about the damage for insurance purposes. Do not clean up anything before taking photos to document the damage caused by the hurricane.
Remove and dispose of all items that can not be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Dispose of drywall and floorboards that were warped during the water damage caused by the hurricane. Dispose of mattresses, pillows, carpeting and furniture that became water logged during the hurricane.
Make a separate pile of items that can be properly laundered such as clothing. Use plastic garbage bags to transport these items to a location where they can be cleaned and disinfected. Clean the items. Use bleach or other disinfectant to kill bacteria.
Clean hard surfaced areas after soft surfaced items are removed from the area. Use detergent or a bleach solution to disinfect all areas. Continue cleaning and use a water extractor for areas where water pooled such as low lying areas and basements. Dump extracted water away from the main area to prevent further contamination.
Dry the area by opening windows, running a dehumidifier and running fans. Return to the area periodically to check on the process of drying everything out.