Tips on Paramedics
Cardiac Monitoring
As heart conditions make up a high percentage of emergencies, heart monitoring is extremely important; however, many people do not understand what is going on when paramedics are merely performing routine monitoring procedures. Cardiac monitors are hooked up to the victim and allow information---including the heart beats and the speed of beats---to flow to the monitor. Any unusual beating will be able to be immediately spotted. ECG monitors can also be used, which provide a 3D image of the heart. The paramedics will place 12 small white dots upon the body of the patient; the image will then be sent to the emergency room where doctors are able to diagnose the issue immediately.
Anytime a potential breathing issue is suspected, oxygen can be used immediately. It should be understood by people nearby that just because oxygen is used, it is not a critical situation. Oxygen can be used for cases such as bad asthma attacks, broken ribs, and collapsed lungs---all in an attempt to help the patient breath with ease. Oxygen is usually sent though a mask, normally in liters per minute. A tool called the "pulse oximeter" is also commonly used to tell the paramedics about the oxygen count within the red blood cells.
Although stretchers might look unnecessary to the casual observer in some circumstances, it is important to realize the potential threats that paramedics are required to plan for. The most utilized stretcher has wheels that fold up, making loading and unloading from the scene---as well as the hospital---very easy. Patients can lie completely flat or can sit at an angle. Boards are often used on patients to immobilize them. This prevents the potential spinal injuries that movement can cause.
Arrival Preparation
Preparation for the arrival of paramedics can be one of the most useful tools for anyone caught up in an emergency situation. It requires very little effort and allows the paramedics to operate quickly and efficiently. Start by ensuring that all cars are removed from the scene; if you are in a home, move all cars away from the driveway to allow room for the ambulance. If it is night, turn on all lights both inside and outside to make sure the ambulance driver can spot the scene of the emergency. You can further help the situation by leaving the nearest door open and clearing a path to the patient. Also, secure pets so that they do not interfere with the paramedics upon arrival.