Workplace Safety Education Activities
Fire Drills
Fire drills are a way to practice evacuating from a building or area in the event of a fire. Employees should be run through various types of fire drills. There should be scheduled drills, unscheduled but previously announced fire drills and unscheduled, unannounced drills. You should run through the various types of drills with employees at least twice per year to ensure that everyone learns the proper way to evacuate in the event of a fire. You can request the help of your local fire department in conducting these drills.
Accident Drills
Accident drills are useful in manufacturing or assembly environments. The goal of running employees through an accident drill is to teach, through hands-on practice, the steps that are to be taken--and who is in charge of each step--in the event of an accident. You must define what constitutes an accident for your organization, and you must run practice drills that use your written accident plans as a source of instruction. You local fire or police department can assist you with accident drills.
Evacuation Drills
Evacuation drills are similar to fire drills, but they differ in that not all evacuations from a building or area are prompted by a fire. Natural disasters, such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and even strong storms could be cause for an evacuation. The type of occurrence dictates how the evacuation proceeds. Because of the wide array of scenarios that could happen, running through practice drills for different kinds of evacuation is highly important.
Spot The Hazards Game
A "spot the hazards" game can be modified to suit any type of organization. Generate pictures that are similar to areas in your own business, such as assembly lines, office areas and loading docks. Find picture that show safety hazards, and have employees look through copies of the pictures and circle the hazards. Make the game more exciting by giving away prizes to those who find the most hazards and a grand prize for the employee who can list the code violations associated with each picture.