California Fire Extinguisher Laws
Automatic Systems
California's Health and Safety Code, Sections 13195-13199, govern enforcement of regulations regarding automatic fire extinguishing systems. These regulations require automatic fire extinguishing systems to be tested, maintained and serviced according to state fire marshal approved standards. Only individuals who are licensed by the state fire marshal may test, maintain or service automatic fire extinguisher systems. The state fire marshal is responsible for determining qualifying criteria for licensees, and has the authority to deny or revoke licenses for individuals who do not meet established criteria or who violate regulations. The state fire marshal has the authority to establish a fee schedule sufficient to cover the costs of administering the licensing process.
Portable Fire Extinguishers
California's Health and Safety Code, Sections 13160-13162, covers regulations governing portable fire extinguishers. Portable fire extinguishers sold or distributed in the state of California are required to comply with all standards as determined by the state fire marshal. Portable fire extinguishers must be approved by Underwriters' Laboratories Inc., or a comparable testing laboratory that is qualified to test portable fire extinguishers as determined by the state fire marshal. Portable fire extinguishers which are not intended for industrial use may not use carbon tetrachloride, methyl bromide or chlorbromomethane as an extinguishing ingredient.
Subchapter 7, Group 27, Article 157 of the California Code regulates the use of portable fire extinguishers in the workplace that are provided for the use of employees. This regulation requires portable fire extinguishers to be located in a place where they may be readily identified and accessed. Portable fire extinguishers in the workplace must be from approved manufacturers and they must be fully charged and operational. The type of fire extinguisher provided in the workplace must conform to the anticipated type of fire which is most likely to occur in that environment. The employer is responsible for the regular inspection, testing and maintenance of workplace portable fire extinguishers. Visual inspections are required to be performed on a monthly basis and a maintenance check must be performed each year.