How to Test Portable Fire Extinguishers
Remove the portable fire extinguisher from its holding mechanism by pulling it out of the glass box.
Check the top part of your portable fire extinguisher and locate the squeeze handle. The squeeze handle can be found beside the pressure gauge, which is a circular object with numbers printed on it. See to it that it has the hose as well as the right label indicating what type of fire extinguisher it is. Below the squeeze handle, you should see a safety seal or a pin. Do not attempt to break the seal and see to it that it is fully intact.
Grab your portable fire extinguisher with your two hands, placing one hand on its squeeze handle and the other hand on the hose. Feel the portable fire extinguisher's weight. If the fire extinguisher is very light, this may mean that it is empty. Check if the seal has been broken, and if so, request for an extinguisher replacement.
Practice holding the fire extinguisher's hose by aiming its end at objects surrounding you. Get yourself comfortable with the feeling holding the portable fire extinguisher's squeeze handles in one hand while holding the hose with the other.
Place the portable fire extinguisher back in its holding mechanism.