Elevator Emergency Procedures
Telephone Communication
As soon as an elevator emergency occurs, passengers should contact the building's safety and security office via the elevator's communication system. An elevator is equipped with either a built-in telephone system or an alarm button. Picking up the telephone or pressing the alarm will immediately connect you to an individual that can contact an elevator repair and maintenance company. If the elevator you are riding in does not have a communication system, use a cellular telephone if possible to contact the local police department.
Inform the building's safety and security office of the elevator's exact floor level or location. The safety and security office can then inform the maintenance and repair company of your location, which can hasten the response time. Also remember to tell the operator how many people are riding in the car with you.
Remain Calm
Remain calm at all times when in an elevator emergency. Take deep breathes to relax and follow the operator's emergency instructions exactly. Becoming erratic in an enclosed elevator can cause you to hyperventilate or experience other physical symptoms that can be dangerous if there is a lack of medical services. The safety and security office will stay in communication with you until help arrives and can therefore inform you and other passengers of any updates regarding the repair procedures.
Elevator Doors
When involved in an elevator emergency do not try and force the door open to escape. Opening an elevator door can be dangerous to passengers as the elevator could be stuck between floors. Keep as far away from the doors as possible until maintenance personnel give you the all clear.
Do not try to leave the elevator if the doors open and the floor is not level. Escaping an elevator through unleveled floors is extremely dangerous as the car may continue moving resulting in serious injuries or death. Do not attempt to leave an elevator's car until the maintenance personnel or the building's safety and security office give permission.
Fire Emergencies
Elevators that are involved in fire emergencies generally return to the first floor so its occupants can exit the building safely. If you are involved in a fire emergency, remain calm and when the elevator lowers to the first floor find your way to nearest emergency exit. If applicable, leave any bags and other personal items in the elevator.