Disaster Management Information

A number of free online resources exist representing various facets of disaster management. These sites cover topics including research, news, assistance, management information tools and training, written for multiple audiences, such as emergency managers and disaster survivors.
  1. NLM Disaster Information Management Research Center

    • The National Library of Medicine (NLM) Disaster Information Management Research Center provides U.S. disaster health information for natural, accidental, or deliberate disasters with the goal of helping the nation prepare, respond to, recover from and mitigate disasters. The site's audience includes health-care providers, public health officials and the general public.

    FEMA: Disaster Mangement

    • The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) created the Disaster Management Program to help public safety organizations efficiently coordinate and collaborate by sharing emergency alerts and incident-related data. It offers training and conferences, incident information management tools and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for software designers.

    Disaster Assistance

    • DisasterAssistance.gov provides an official portal to U.S. disaster assistance. Disaster survivors can take an anonymous pre-screening questionnaire to learn which forms of disaster assistance they qualify for and apply for assistance. The site offers emergency managers and first responders incident response and recovery tools, including Disaster Management Information Systems (DMIS), the HazCollect public alerting system and OPEN Web Services.

    International Community on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management

    • The non-profit International Community on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) promotes disaster management research and development, deployment of information systems and knowledge-sharing and cooperation between researchers, professionals, technical experts, practitioners, other experts and policy makers in disaster management. ISCRAM offers training, conferences, an online library and numerous other resources on the topic.

    Disaster Management News

    • Terra Daily brings together worldwide disaster management news from more than 10 news agencies and wire services including AFP, UPI and Space Daily in its free online publication "Disaster Management." The articles cover topics including new techniques in disaster management and public policy decisions, as well as reporting on disasters as they happen.

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