Why Do People Need to Have Smoke Detectors?
Smoke Alarm Stats
According to the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center, about 92 percent of homes--roughly 13 of every 14--have a smoke detector, and more than 60 percent of house fire deaths happen in homes that lack a working smoke alarm. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, 3,000 people die per year in home fires.
Early Warning
Often your first hint of fire breaking out is the smell of smoke. In fact, this may be the only indication that something is wrong. You may not see the flames or feel the heat associated with a fire, but the smell of smoke should be enough to drive you out of the house. A good smoke detector is far more sensitive than the human nose, and can pick up the smell of smoke long before you do. In the event of a house fire, that early warning may make the difference between survival or death, or between minor and total property damage.
Smoke Kills
While someone may burn to death in a fire, what usually kills or incapacitates a fire victim is smoke inhalation. Smoke often contains carbon monoxide, an odorless, insidious killer that blocks oxygen to the brain and leaves little indication that it is doing its damage.
Works While You Sleep
When you sleep, you may not smell smoke that signals disaster, or even if you do you may brush it off as part of a dream. But the insistent sound of a smoke detector at work should wake even the soundest sleeper, and let him know this isn't a dream.
Most smoke detectors are battery-operated, and if the battery runs out of power the smoke detector is useless. Many smoke detectors will give off an intermittent, noticeable chirping sound when the battery runs dangerously low. Still, it is recommended you replace all smoke detector batteries at least once a year. Choose an easy-to-remember day to install new smoke detector batteries, such as your birthday, and stick to it. Batteries should be inspected and the alarm tested monthly.