Fire Extinguisher Service Requirements
Personnel Requirements
The National Fire Protection Association, or NFPA, requires that any person who services fire extinguishers be certified in doing so by passing a test. The test must be based on the manual developed by the NFPA. The person who is certified will be given appropriate documentation that should be available upon request. Certified persons shall have the necessary tools and manuals needed to service fire extinguishers.
Items to Be Checked When Servicing Fire Extinguishers
The inspector will verify specific items when servicing fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers should be found in designated locations and without obstructions. The pressure gauge is read to verify that the extinguisher is operable and full of the extinguishing chemical. The extinguisher is inspected for damage, loose pieces, or missing parts.
Replacement or Recharging of Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers that cannot be serviced on site will be removed from the site and a comparable replacement will be left in it's place. When fire extinguishers are recharged, new inspection tags are placed on the extinguishers. These tags are not to be placed on the front of the extinguisher.
How Often Are Extinguishers Inspected
Fire extinguishers are unofficially checked monthly by a designated person who resides or works in the building where the fire extinguishers. This person is not certified, but is trained and is knowledgeable in who to contact if there is a problem. Yearly, a certified person performs an official inspection of the fire extinguishers and recharges or replaces those in need.