USCG Fire Extinguisher Regulations
Portable Fire Extinguishers
While it is required that portable extinguishers meet testing criteria as mandated by an approved independent laboratory, the USCG does not issue approval certificates for portable fire extinguishers.
The USCG does, however, require that portable fire extinguishers be approved for marine use. Standard criteria for marine use state that all portable fire extinguishers be a Type X, Size X, and carry the USCG approval number 162.028/XX. The XX signifies the identification code for the laboratory that conducted the testing. Approved extinguishers must have a marine use label to be in compliance with this policy.
Semi-Portable Fire Extinguishers
Semi-portable fire extinguishers are defined as any mobile extinguisher weighing over 55 pounds. To be classified as semi-portable, a fire extinguisher must not be connected to a system that relies on any axillary force for expelling the flame suppressant. Semi-portable extinguishers must be entirely self-contained.
Semi-portable fire extinguishers must, just like portable extinguisher, be tested by an independent laboratory and maintain testing guidelines to remain in compliance. Semi-portable extinguishers must carry the USCG Certificate of Approval. Periodic inspections of the extinguishers' outer casing must be performed to ensure that no corrosion is taking place.
Fixed Fire Extinguishers
Fixed fire extinguishers, also referred to as pre-engineered, refers to any fire suppressant system that is installed within and runs throughout the ship. This type of system must be inspected and approved by the USCG directly and carry a label that certifies the system is suitable for marine use. These systems must also conform to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) code under the Significant New Alternatives Policy. Fixed extinguishers must meet the criteria of both the EPA and the USCG to be in full compliance.
These systems are intended for use in areas that are normally unoccupied and that can be evacuated within 10 minutes or less.