Pool Emergency Procedures
Alert Swimmers
The sound of a whistle indicates a pool emergency. As soon as a pool emergency arises, lifeguards are supposed to give a long and steady blast of their whistle to alert patrons in the pool.
Clear Pool Area
Clearing patrons from pool area is an emergency procedure. After lifeguards have captured the attention of patrons, they must calmly instruct swimmers to immediately clear the pool in an orderly fashion. Lifeguards are supposed to direct patrons to a designated area.
Maintain Order
When an emergency strikes, particularly in a public swimming area, confusion can lead to panic. Lifeguards or other responsible parties must maintain a sense of order among the crowd.
Rescue the Victim
Maintain order and execute the rescue. Lifeguards need to remove the victim of the accident from the pool. If the victim is still alive, lifeguards may need to administer CPR or other first aid. If more than one lifeguard is present, one may execute the rescue while the other evacuates the area.
Call for Assistance
Calling 911 immediately is advised. Lifeguards need to instruct someone to call for assistance--perhaps a 911 call that will lead to the arrival of emergency medical personnel.
Alert Authorities
Alert parents of children involved in pool emergencies. After the emergency ends, lifeguards need to alert the appropriate authority figures, who can be people such as property owners or managers, group leaders or parents.
File a Report
Keep documented reports of emergency incidents. Lifeguards need to complete an emergency incident report. Such reports can help the authorities as they investigate the incident and as they consider whether changes are needed in pool safety rules.