Portable Fire Extinguisher Training for the Public
Skills Taught
Teaching explain portable fire extinguisher skills. Any type of class that teaches how to use a portable fire extinguisher usually begins with teaching the individual parts and types (classes) of extinguishers available, as well as how to properly operate and inspect an extinguisher.
Teachers in these classes instruct students in the "PASS" technique, which stands for pull, aim, squeeze and spray. Other lessons taught in portable fire extinguisher training for the public explain when and when not to use an extinguisher, whether the correct extinguisher is available for use and how to safely exit a fire scene.
Online Training
Online portable fire extinguisher training exists. Portable fire extinguisher protection courses exist online, and students sometimes can find companies or private individuals who offer these types of courses. The courses are offered in a variety of ways and include video, audio or text-based instruction.
A huge draw of online classes is that they can be done at home at any time, anywhere in the world and in any type of weather. However, the consequences of this style of learning is the lack of real-life hands-on training using actual portable extinguishers.
Another drawback is that these types of courses usually involve some type of fee for the convenience of taking the class online.
Live Training
Fire stations offer live training classes. Local fire departments or public safety centers often hold free (or small fee) portable fire extinguisher training courses. As these classes are led by firefighters or certified instructors, they allow students to practice with real extinguishers with small, controlled fires. A live, in-person course also allows ample practice to solidify fire extinguisher skills learned. Students also can ask questions and have them answered by knowledgeable, certified instructors immediately, unlike online courses that may not have anyone to ask or may have a waiting period for the instructor to respond.
Local fire departments or public safety centers often have information on portable fire extinguisher classes in the area. Sometimes there also are notices in the local newspaper on upcoming courses.
Expert Insight
Many trained structural firefighters have seen and dealt firsthand with the benefits and consequences of the public not being properly trained in how to use a portable fire extinguisher, so it is no wonder that public education is a top priority for most of them. Countless fires can be contained faster if a portable fire extinguisher is employed properly before their arrival.
The bottom line is this: Being properly trained to use a fire extinguisher will increase the odds of survival for both you and your property in the case of a fire.
Having someone who knows how to use a fire extinguisher is important. It is not enough just to have a fire extinguisher placed in a home, work or school. Having people around who know how to use that extinguisher in case of emergencies is also important.
With a variety of options for properly learning how to use a fire extinguisher available, it is important to take a few hours out of your time to learn this vital skill. Your family, co-workers and friends may need it someday.