How to Roll Over an Unconscious Person
Kneel beside the person and cushion the back of his head with your hand.
Turn the unconscious person's head toward you and make sure her mouth is open and that his air passageways are free from obstructions, so she can breathe. If you see something caught in her mouth, reach into her mouth and pull out the obstruction.
Tuck the unconscious person's arm that is closest to you around his side and slightly under his body, keeping it straight. Place his far arm across his chest. Pull the ankle that is farthest from you over his other ankle. You are preparing his limbs to roll him over.
Prepare to support her body with your knees as you roll the unconscious person over. Place your one hand behind her head and your other hand on her clothes at the far side of her waist.
Pull him toward you quickly and smoothly, rolling him over completely onto his back. Be sure to protect his head with your hand, so it doesn't hit anything.
Help her have an open breathing passageway by lowering her chin so it is straight down. Make sure her throat is straight, so she can breathe freely.
Pull out both arms and legs to make sure they are not underneath the unconscious man's body.
Call for emergency help.