About Natural Disasters & Flash Floods
Flash floods are caused by intense heavy rain concentrated in one area, usually in thunderstorms, hurricanes or other tropical storms. Floods caused by dams or levees breaking are particularly dangerous as they usually contain high volumes of water released very suddenly.
Flash floods are very destructive and sweep away everything in their path. They can uproot trees, destroy buildings and bridges, undermine foundations, bury houses in mud, and move boulders, cars and other large objects. As with regular floods, they can also cause sewage overflow and the leakage of toxic materials such as gasoline and paint into waterways.
Flooding can be prevented and damage minimized through wetlands protection and the allowance of flood plains along waterways. Dams and levees should be well maintained.
Safety & Preparedness
Consult local emergency planning office about your area's flooding history and emergency protocol. Keep a portable radio for updates, store extra water in jugs and turn off the electricity and gas. In the event of a flash flood, move quickly to high ground or the highest level of your house. Never swim or wade out into the flood.
After a Flood
Make sure your house is safe before re-entering and do not turn on the power unless an electrician says it's safe. Stay away from power lines and be careful of sharp debris. Discard food contaminated by floodwater.