Fire Prevention Smoke House Ideas
Smoke Room
A smoke room is a common attribute in a fire safety house. The smoke room teaches children to get low to the ground for clean air. The smoke is water-based and safe. Children are taught what to do, then demonstrate the procedure of crawling on the floor to exit the room.
Escape Route
A safe exit is essential to preventing injury or death in the event of a fire. Children are shown at least two escape routes in a fire smoke house. One route allows children to escape through a window. Children crawl on the floor to the window, open it and climb out. A second route involves a door that they must touch to ensure it is not hot from fire on the other side of the door.
Interactive Room
An interactive room in a fire smoke house demonstrates safety hazards, such as a towel on a hot stove in the kitchen or a cigarette burning unattended in the living room. The children must identify the hazardous situations and press the correct button beside each scene on an electronic panel. A pre-recorded message then advises the children on how to remedy the situation.