Survival Foods Grocery List
Canned fish and meats like tuna, chicken, salmon or sardines provide high-quality protein and calcium, as do grains such as lentils, quinoa, oats and bulgur. Protein is important to repair and maintain muscle tone and provide energy, according to Nuts and seeds, as well as peanut butter, offer small amounts of healthy fats as well as protein.
Freeze-dried, dehydrated or canned fruits like apples, bananas, raisins, pineapple, and apricots provide quick energy in the form of fructose, fiber and a satisfying dose of sweetness.
Refined carbohydrates or starches like potatoes, corn, rice and pasta help the body feel full by releasing glucose and when combined with protein, give lasting energy.
Canned or freeze-dried vegetables such as peas, peppers, carrots and spinach provide important vitamins and minerals such as vitamins, A, B and C and beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Salt, Sweeteners and Caffeine
Iodized salt makes bland foods taste better and provides sodium. Sweeteners such as honey, sugar and molasses also make foods more palatable and can give quick bursts of energy. Caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee can improve mental clarity and boost mood.