Types of Face Filter Masks
Air-Purifying Respirators
Air-purifying respirators filter particles, gases and vapors in the air. Classes of air-purifying respirators include negative pressure (using mechanical and chemical filters), positive pressure (respirators that include powered air filtration), and "escape only" (air-purifying respirators used in chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents). One or two cartridges attach securely to a mask, corresponding to valves for inhalation and exhaustion.
Mechanical-Filter Respirators
These filters trap harmful matter in contaminated air as it passes through the filter material. Wool is a common filter type, along with such as plastic, glass, cellulose and combinations of materials. These respirators use filters that are non-reusable, including single-use filters and those with replaceable cartridges.
Chemical-Cartridge Respirators
These respirators use cartridges to remove gas, volatile organic compounds and other vapors from air through absorption media, such as activated charcoal or certain resins. The cartridges are not reusable and must be changed when they become too saturated and begin to restrict air flow.
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
This respirator usually has three main parts: a high-pressure tank, a regulator for pressure and a mouthpiece or face mask. There are two types of SCBA: open and closed circuit. Open-circuit models use a tank of compressed air that is filtered and fed into the mask through a pressure valve. Closed-circuit models recycle air that you have exhaled through filters and supplements to make it oxygen-enriched and breathable.