Forestry Department Grants for Fire Departments
Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG)
This program funds firefighting and emergency response needs of fire departments and emergency medical service organizations. The AFG grants fund equipment, protective gear, firefighter training and emergency vehicles. Specialty access vehicles such as boats, ATVs and snowmobiles are ineligible. The AFG program will not fund firefighter positions. Grant applications can be filed online through and are submitted for panel reviews.
Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grants
The SAFER program directly funds fire departments and volunteer organizations to help increase the number of frontline firefighters in communities. The SAFER program boosts the ability of a fire department to comply with NFPA and OSHA standards. SAFER's "Hiring of Firefighters Activity" will award grants directly to fire departments to bolster personnel numbers, and the "Recruitment and Retention of Volunteer Firefighters Activity" increases the number of trained and certified firefighters for emergency response within the department's geographic response area.
Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grants
This program is part of the Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) through FEMA and supports projects to enhance public and firefighter safety. The FP&S grants target high-risk populations to prevent deaths and reduce injuries. Eligible uses of funds were expanded in 2005 to include Firefighter Safety Research and Development. Applications can be filed online at and detailed information is online through and the website. The automated application system includes help screens and drop-down menus for assistance in applying.
Volunteer Fire Assistance Program (VFA)
Formerly called the Rural Community Fire Protection (RCFP) Program, VFA funding provides federal financial, technical, and other assistance to state foresters for fire departments in rural areas and rural communities. The VFA program focuses on fire suppression, and funding originates from the U.S. Forest Service. The VFA grants pay for fire equipment, training and training materials. Grants are awarded on a 50/50 funding match, and most grants are $5,000 or less. Contact your state forester for details.
Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP)
This program provides U.S. Forest Service-owned property such as fire engines, which is loaned to state foresters for wildland and rural fire suppression. The property was acquired from the Department of Defense and is loaned out to state cooperators. State foresters determine eligibility with the concurrence of the Forest Service, and the property is placed with local departments to improve their fire programs.
Reimbursement for Firefighting on Federal Property
The 1974 Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act authorized reimbursement of funds to fire departments that fight fire on federal lands. Firefighting costs beyond normal operating costs can be reimbursed when a department submits a claim to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA). Claims are reviewed for compliance with criteria, and reimbursement is paid by the U.S Treasury. Contact the USFA for details.
FireRescue1's Fire Grants
The online source at includes a database of grant sources, news, tips, and resources to find and secure available grants.