How to Make a Hurricane Survival Kit
Things You'll Need
- Plastic tote
- Permanent marker
- 2 to 3 flashlights
- Batteries
- Candles
- Lanterns
- Lantern oil
- Water-proof matches
- Manual can opener
- First aid kit
- Mosquito repellent
- Sunscreen
- Water
- Canned food
Begin by purchasing a plastic tote with a lid. These can be purchased at your local department store fairly inexpensively.
With a permanent marker, label the tote with the words "Hurricane Survival Kit" in bold letters, and store in a prominent location. Also in this location you will keep water and canned goods, so the area will need to be of sufficient size. Be sure everyone in the house knows its location and contents.
Place two to three working flashlights with spare batteries in the tote.
Candles and lanterns will be necessary in times of extended power outages. Don't forget matches and extra oil for lanterns.
Place a battery-operated radio with spare batteries in the tote. This will be necessary so you can stay informed of any developments, rescue efforts or additional storm warnings.
Continue filling the tote with a manual can opener, first aid kit (including aspirin, bandages, antibiotic cream and antacids), sunscreen, disposable utensils and paper plates, and maps of the area in case you must evacuate and main roads are blocked.
Next to your tote, set aside several gallons of drinking water, in case water supplies are interrupted or contaminated, and canned food items. As a rule, include 1 gallon per person per day.
If you have a gas grill, keep an additional full propane tank handy.
Where flooding is possible, move valued possessions to higher floors.
If anyone in your household relies on electrical medical equipment such as an oxygen machine, arrange for backup power from a generator. Also, notify your local utility company to ensure they are aware of your situation.
You will also want to make sure you have plenty of cash if ATMs are down.