How to Use Levamisole to Kill Parasites in Humans
There are several types of parasites that can live in the human digestive tract and lead to health problems. Among the most common are tapeworms and round worms. Parasite problems in people are most commonly seen in third world countries where the food supply is more likely to be contaminated, but infections can happen in the U.S. as well.
Things You'll Need
- Prescription for levamisole
Taking Levamisole
Get a proper diagnosis if you suspect you have a parasite. Blood tests, stool tests and endoscopy are among the possible means a doctor will use to determine if you have parasites.
Ask your doctor about the best treatment to remove parasites. Levamisole may be one option, provided you do not have problems with your liver, bone marrow production or blood clotting.
Take your levamisole prescription precisely as your doctor tells you to. Levamisole can produce serious side effects, so it is very important that you follow dosage and frequency instructions exactly.
Drink an eight-ounce glass of water with each dose of levamisole that you take.
Contact your doctor right away if you have difficulty breathing, swelling in your mouth or throat, extreme fatigue, fever or confusion. These may be due to a serious reaction to the drug that could be life-threatening.
Follow up with your doctor regularly for any recommended office visits or lab tests.