Gasoline Storage Methods
Underground Tanks
Though not common in urban areas or suburbs, some places in rural areas have underground gas tanks. These tanks are very similar to those used at filling stations. They are a steel container that's buried in the earth and filled from above. The tank is then sealed, and the necessary amount of gasoline is then pumped out and into another storage container (such as a car's gas tank) when necessary. These tanks are expensive to buy, maintain, and own so it's very rare that one of these is owned by an individual homeowner.
Plastic Containers
There are also specially designed, plastic containers that are made for storing gasoline. These containers are usually red, and they come in a variety of sizes. Usually they will hold between a single gallon of gas to up to 10 gallons of gas. These containers are meant to be filled from a gasoline pump, and then the gasoline will be stored in a place like a garage. These cans usually have nozzles that have to be assembled before gasoline can be poured out, and you have to be very careful that all connections are screwed tight to prevent leakage when pouring.
Metal Containers
This category of gasoline storage is usually used over the much longer term. Metal containers can be gas cans that hold a few gallons of gasoline, or they can be 50-gallon drums. Fuel that's meant to be stored for the long term in these cans should be carefully treated with a BHT (butylhydroxytoluene) additive in order to prevent the breakdown of gasoline into vapor, which would render it unusable as a fuel. These storage cans should be placed away from the house, preferably in an unattached garage or special storage area due to the risk that they can pose. This is particularly true of the larger gas cans.