How to Disinfect Shelf From Botulism
Things You'll Need
- Face mask
- Latex gloves
- Heavy duty garbage bags
- Masking tape
- Two disposable buckets
- Disposable wash rags
- Paper Towels
- Bleach
- Soap
- Water
Prior to cleaning your shelf, put on a pair of latex gloves and a face mask. This will reduce your chances of touching any botulism or inhaling any cleaning solution.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, combine "1/4 cup of bleach for every 2 cups of water," when making a solution to clean up botulism. Pour the items into a bucket that can be disposed of after cleaning up.
Carefully cover the contaminated area with your bleach solution. Take some paper towels (about ten) and place them over the bleach solution. Leave the paper towels on the solution for up to fifteen minutes.
Remove the paper towels and put them into a garbage bag. Begin to wipe up any remaining liquid with either a disposable cleaning rag or paper towels. Place the rags or paper towels into the garbage bag.
Take another bucket and fill it with two cups of water and dishwashing soap. Clean your shelf with the soap and water solution to clean up any remaining bleach solution. Put the bucket, cleaning rags or paper towels into the garbage bag. Carefully remove your latex gloves and face mask, and place them into the garbage bag.
Take your garbage bag and tape the top of it tightly with masking tape. Place this garbage inside of another garbage bag, and seal this bag with masking tape. Immediately take your garbage bag outside and place it into your garbage bin.
Once you have disposed of the botulin waste, thoroughly wash your hands in warm soap and water. Wash all around your hands, between your fingers and up to your elbows for up to two minutes.