How to Control a Pandemic of Communicable Diseases
Pandemic diseases are diseases that effect large populations of people across continents or worldwide. Pandemics can cause millions of deaths, massive economic upheaval, and mass panic. The most recent pandemics, which include various strains of influenza including H1N1 (commonly referred to as "swine flu") and H5N1 (commonly called "avian influenza" or "bird flu"), HIV, and SARS, are no exception. Pandemic control requires the cooperation of everyone from worldwide institutions like the World Health Organization to individuals, an approach which WHO refers to as the "whole-of-society" approach.Instructions
Controlling Pandemics
Pay attention to global surveillance. The World Health Organization constantly monitors outbreaks of infectious diseases and determines the possibility of pandemics. They maintain a pandemic alert system meant to alert the world to the current phase of pandemic disease spread and the location of the pandemic disease. In November 2009, for example, the world was in Phase 6 (Widespread Human Infection) for the H1N1 infection.
Keep informed about symptoms of the disease. When a pandemic is identified in your area, stay up-to-date on local news and symptoms. If you believe you or a family member is infected with a pandemic disease, contact your doctor and make sure the infected person stays home from work or school to avoid passing the infection to others.
Follow government and WHO guidelines. For general populations, this particularly includes knowing when to see a doctor or seek immediate care, as medical infrastructures get severely overwhelmed in pandemics. Guidelines will be posted on local and national government websites and on the WHO website.
Keep up-to-date on vaccinations. Many pandemic diseases, particularly influenza strains, can be prevented through vaccination. Keep vaccination records for yourself and family members. If you don't have them, contact your county health department.
Practice good general hygiene. Most pandemics are caused by viruses, and certain viruses like influenza can be controlled by covering coughs and sneezes and washing hands regularly. Transmission of the HIV virus can largely be prevented through condom use.
Be ready, not worried. One of the biggest challenges of pandemics in a globalized world is their ability to spread mass panic. The truth is that pandemic diseases are constantly circulating the globe in animal populations, and it is impossible to guard against all diseases all the time. Panics caused by pandemics can overstress health care infrastructures, resulting in more disease spread and deaths.