How to Respond to Head and Spine Injuries
Call 911. Oftentimes, head injuries are tricky because they generally don't appear to be more than a bump on the noggin. However, both head and spinal injuries consist of symptoms that aren't dramatically noticeable from the start. For example, someone with a head injury may have a small bump on the head and a headache, which might seem like no big deal. However, in some of these cases, internal bleeding and swelling in the brain is occurring, which can be remedied if caught early enough. Emergency personnel will be better able to evaluate the injured party and make a more qualified determination on their course of medical care.
Do not attempt to move the person and don't allow anyone else to do so either. Trained emergency personnel will have the right tools and resources in place to safely move the person and prepare him for transport to a medical facility.
Keep the person alert, calm and completely still. Most people are prone to panic after a major accident, particularly if they suspect something is wrong with their head or spine. Try to keep them talking, but not moving. You don't have to go into explicit detail regarding what has happened to them and you certainly should not make any attempts to explain what you think the problem is, as this could cause them to panic. Help them to stay as still as possible and talk to them softly about a topic completely unrelated to the accident until help arrives.