Risks of Choosing Against a Defibrillator
A defibrillator resuscitates the heart by delivering a shock of electricity, essentially resetting the heart's natural pacemaker ability, reports the American Heart Association's defibrillator website. This is important when sudden, deadly heart conditions like cardiac arrest or arrhythmia strike. One of the most common defibrillators outside of hospitals is the portable Automated External Defibrillator, or AED.
Choosing against buying a medical device like a defibrillator is not just a money choice, it can even be the difference between life and death. Statistics from the American Heart Association claim that 20,000 people a year die due to inadequate immediate access to a defibrillator. In total, ubiquitous use of AEDs in businesses could prevent 50,000 deaths.
The types risks of not having a defibrillator around your business can result in public health or legal complications, according to defibrillator seller DefibTech. If someone goes into cardiac arrest in a public place without an AED or other defibrillator, they have a much greater chance of dying. Also, you could even face a lawsuit by those injured or families of the deceased.
State laws on the use and requirements for defibrillators vary, but one important federal law exists. The Cardiac Arrest Survival Act grants some immunity for Good Samaritans who attempt to use a defibrillator in an emergency, but the law is subservient to state laws on immunity, according to the National Conference of State Legislature's defibrillator law homepage.
Some people, such as BodyWise Fitness owner Gil Yurly, think that the risks of not having a defibrillator around do not outweigh the extra costs to smaller businesses, especially gyms, reports the Orange County Register. An average AED costs $1,500 and usually requires paying personnel to receive training on its use. Chances of someone needing a defibrillator at a small business are much lower than at busy places like airports and hotels. Of the 3 million people in the United States who join a gym, only about 71 deaths per year occur, according to the American Heart Association.