Fire Rescue Techniques
Communication With Dispatchers
The most valuable tool that a firefighter has is his lifeline with the fire department dispatchers. Because the dispatchers field the initial call for help, they are responsible for gathering all the pertinent information about the situation. This helps the firefighters prepare themselves by having all of their necessary gear and what they need to protect themselves while responding. They'll can get an advanced count of how many people need assistance so they will know if there are additional victims to look for once they arrive on the scene. This lifeline is also extremely helpful in calling in backup aide from other agencies, if they're needed.
Hazmat Training
If hazardous chemicals are involved, firefighters need to be familiar with the various types of hazardous materials they may encounter so they can react accordingly within their training, or if they need to call in a professional hazmat team. Spraying protective foam or spreading a drying compound over spills are some techniques that firefighters use in containing the smaller hazmat situations that do not require assistance from a professional team.
Basic Medical Training
All firefighters are trained in basic medical knowledge, while some receive more advanced medical training that allows them to use devices such as defibrillators in the event of a cardiac event. They use this training in case an ambulance or other medical team is not yet available or on the scene. Basic first aid training lets firefighters triage victims on the scene to attend to breaks, sprains, cuts and bruises. They can also apply neck and back braces if the injuries necessitate them. With CPR training they can perform reviving techiniques to victims who may have passed out due to smoke inhalation, choking or some other event that causes respiratory distress.
Buddy System
When firefighters enter a burning building, they use a variation of the buddy system. They'll constantly do a head count to make sure they know their colleagues are safe. Additionally, the dispatchers back at the station will radio to them for a head count, and to let them know how long they have been inside. Every so often, the firefighters on the scene rotate fresh ones into the building so that no ones over-exerts themselves or suffers injury.