Earthquake Survival Checklist
Survival Kit
Have plenty of water in the kit, one gallon of water per day per person. There is no way to know how long you will be without running water, so the more water you can store and stockpile, the better. Add a first aid kit. The kit should contain a booklet on earthquake-specific injuries, like blows to the head. Carry extra medication for anyone with a chronic condition like heart disease or diabetes. Keep the medications up to date and store properly. If there is a diabetic, have a container to dispose needles. Have extra glasses and a thermometer available. The first aid kit should include bandages, pressure bandages, one-use ice packs, gauze, breath barrier, medical tape and hydrogen peroxide.
Gather several types of nonperishable food items. Canned food, boxed cereals, granola bars and dried fruit are some of the options. Include a can opener with the food, along with plastic utensils, wet naps, hand sanitizer, plates and trash bags. Pack food for pets. If possible, have a camping stove set aside for such emergencies. Use one with coals over gas. If something falls during the earthquake or the gas tank is hit, it may explode.
Hygeine and other items
Lack of running water prevents showering. Stay as clean as possible to prevent infections. Put toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, soap and shampoo in the kit. Also, add feminine products, diapers, wipes, deodorant and toilet paper. Use large trash bags or large zipped bags to throw away any material that has bodily substances on it.
Add blankets, pillows, towels and sheets to the kit. Have at least two extra sets of clothes and extra socks and shoes for each family member. Add flashlights, batteries, watch, radio, knife, matches, rope, shovel, candles and tape.