How to Make Your Own Identification Cards
Things You'll Need
- Computer
- Word processing or page layout program
- Printer
- Card stock
- Scissors or paper cutter
- Scanner (optional)
- Lamination machine (optional)
Choose an efficient size for your ID based upon where the card will be carried. Wallet sleeves often limit the size of card insertions, so use the documents you're currently carrying in your wallet as your guide or base your layout on the size used by card designers--3.375 x 2.125 inches--if you have no reference material.
Determine the extent and amount of information you want to include on your ID card. Consider these: name, address, phone number, email address, emergency contact name and number. Attend to health issues that require immediate response by including pertinent data like your blood type, medication requirements and health problems that require specific, immediate responses in the event of something like a diabetic coma or seizure.
Prepare a photo for your ID card for purposes of identity verification. Scan a photo or use a digital head shot that's already on your desktop if you decide to add this element to your card.
Open your word processing or page layout program. Use the card parameters chosen in Step 1 to create a document sized a bit larger than the finished card will be when it's trimmed down. Import or place your photo on one side of the ID card; left or right is equally acceptable. Adjust the size of your photo proportionately so it doesn't dominate the card.
Enter the information you've decided to use on your ID card into the layout. Position the words flush left on the card so the data is neatly stacked and readable. Avoid fussy or hard-to-read fonts, choosing Arial, Times Roman or Helvetica to capture the information. Adjust spacing and sizing so the card appears well organized.
Print the card and proof the information for spelling and accuracy. Trim your ID card to its predetermined size using scissors or a paper cutter for smooth edges. Laminate the card if the equipment and materials are available, or consider this inexpensive protective technique. Use an acetate badge sleeve in place of lamination. Slide the card into the sleeve and staple the three layers together so the data stays in place. Leave the metal fastener on the back of the ID card and you can pin it onto your shirt if you go out running.
Opt for pre-set templates to design your ID card if you're not comfortable laying it out using your software. Choose from sites appearing at the end of this article to access templates that will allow you to use prompts and fields to design a unique card at no charge to you.