Gun Locks Vs. Lock Boxes
What You Need to Know First
Follow safety precautions. The gun should be stored unloaded, separately from the ammunition. If children are present in the home, make sure they don't have access to the weapon, ammunition, keys or combination.
Both trigger locks and lock boxes can be easily opened using nothing more than a screwdriver and determination. Children and teens can be curious about guns, so keep this in mind when exploring your options.
Trigger Guards
A trigger guard makes it difficult to pull the trigger and fire the gun. Trigger locks come in a number of forms with variable pricing. These locks can be made of plastic or metal. Plastic trigger locks are cheaper and can be broken off more easily than metal locks.
Even the strongest trigger guard is not foolproof. Locks can be picked, pried or broken with paperclips, hammers and other tools. Store the gun out of reach and sight if you use a trigger guard.
Lock Box
Lock boxes come in a variety of materials, from wood to steel. They can have key locks or combination locks, or are measured to accommodate your hand size or biometrics. The problem with keys is that they can be misplaced, difficult to find for you or easy to find for someone else.
Many experts prefer lock boxes, but they are penetrable. These boxes can be pried open easily using common household tools. Combinations can be guessed if they are based on things such as your birthday or favorite numbers.
A lock box hides the gun from view, which can be a benefit. Small boxes can be stored on a high shelf. A larger box or gun safe can make accessing the gun more difficult.
Your Reason for Storage
Know why you are looking into storage options. A trigger guard or lock box will not prevent gun theft. In either case, a burglar may take the firearm and unlock it later.
The reason for choosing one option over the other should always be safety. Your goal is to keep the gun and its ammunition out of the hands of anyone who would misuse it. Guns are expensive and tempting targets for burglars, and safety is also an issue.
The Safest Storage
Whether you chose to store your weapon in a lock box or to install a trigger lock, experts agree that storing a loaded gun is dangerous. In addition to the trigger guard or lock box, store the gun unloaded and separate from the ammunition for optimum safety.