What Should One Carry in a Purse?
For starters you should always carry some form of identification, such as your driver's license.
In case of emergencies, keep a list of contacts on you and your cell phone. If you get into an accident, this is a good way for the authorities to reach someone and let him know what has happened. It is also important to keep your health care card for easy admittance into the hospital after an accident, and all your medical information. Your medical information should let paramedics know whether you are allergic to certain medications, have any diseases or if you depend on a pacemaker. Another precaution would be to keep a roadside assistance card in case you break down on the side of the road.
Always keep essential medications, especially if you are allergic to anything. Medications can also include medicine for your stomach in case you're out to eat, Advil and your birth control pills.
Women should always have backup feminine products in their purse. As for money, keep one major credit card with you at all times and just enough cash for emergencies.Items that are not as necessary are a note pad and pen for reminders or phone numbers, a mini-mag light for car emergencies, a pocket mirror, pepper spray and a miniature Swiss Army Knife.
What Not to Carry
Never keep your social security card anywhere in your purse or wallet in case it is stolen. This goes for your birth certificate and passport too. All of these items could lead to identify theft.
Avoid keeping large sums of cash in your purse. Credit card transactions are much easier to cancel than tracking down stolen money. Try to only bring your checkbook when you really need it, as that contains your name, address, bank name, back account number and routing number inside.
Any expensive electronic devices such as your camera, mp3 player or gps system should only be in your purse whenever you need them. These devices are hard to replace if anything happens to them.
Lastly, keep in mind that it is fine to carry around items you don't necessarily need, but don't let them clutter your purse to where you cannot find what you may need in an actual emergency. Keep your purse clean and organized so that you can easily find everything you have.