How to Master Urban Survival
In addition to books, e-guides and online resources on a myriad of urban survival skills, strategies and plans,you can even attend courses designed to help you improve your skills in a variety of specific areas.
Here's how to learn the essentials of urban survival.
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Survival food
- Firearms
- Tools
Build your basic survival skills, one by one. Start with the will to survive. Ironically, the likelihood of your survival during a catastrophe or emergency depends in large part on your desire and intent to survive whatever befalls you.
*Basic survival skills: The Will to Survive, Getting Water, Starting a Fire, Finding Shelter, Getting Food, First Aid, Getting Rescued.
Master urban survival street skills, including self-defense with or without weapons, basic first aid, and how to apply survival skills such as the ability to find shelter, food and water in an urban environment. Learn to be constantly aware of your surroundings and the people and objects within your immediate vicinity.
Learn urban survival home preparedness essentials. Consider the implications of nuclear fallout, mass civil unrest, and other low-probability, high-impact scenarios.
Obtain and store coverings for windows and doors and vents: thick plastic sheeting and duct tape for nuclear and chemical attacks; plywood, sheet metal and nails/ fasteners for keeping out home invaders and looters.
Store non-perishable foods and water for your family. A month's supply is a very good start.
Test everything -- your knowledge, skills, home safety equipment, and various contingency plans for different scenarios. Have regular discussions with your household members in regards emergency preparations and what will be expected from everyone should the worst happen.