How to Store Wheat in Food Storage
First if storing wheat long term chose a variety with a low moisture content. Grains with a moisture content of less than 10 percent will grind easily and is not subject to insects like weevil that can be problematic to stored wheat.
Store wheat in a clean dry container with a tight fitting lid. Find lids that seal well like the 3 and 5 gallon storage buckets made for food storage. Metal containers and plastic containers both work for wheat. If you use a metal container store it on wood slats to moisture does not collect on the bottom and cause corrosion and rust.
To keep out insect put a few inches of wheat in the bottom of a container. Place 50 to 10 ounces of dry ice on the wheat Fill the container to the top with more wheat. Allow the dry ice to evaporate for several hours. Then seal the lid tightly in place. This will limit oxygen in the container to a level the insects cannot survive in if you have a tight seal.
Most storage guides recommend about 70 pounds of wheat for a child and 200 to 400 pounds for an adult if it will be the primary grain you use to survive for one year. If storing a large quantity invest in a hand wheat grinder. Also try to store cooking oil, sugar or honey, powdered milk and salt as well as dry yeast for making bread. The sugar and honey and salt will store for many years. The other items should be used and rotated more often.