What to Do During a Flood
The best way to protect yourself during a flood is to have a good plan for prevention before it even happens. Low-lying flat areas are at a much higher risk for flooding and should be prepared by purchasing flood insurance and properly waterproofing and sealing your basement. You should also keep things such as furnaces, water heaters and electrical paneling elevated on cinder blocks. Make sure that your community is protected by contacting local authorities and finding out what their plan of action is in case of flood.
During a Flood Alert
If heavy rain and flooding is predicted, keep alert and frequently check the radio and television reports for updates. Important warnings will be issued by the National Weather Service to alert you of danger. If you believe your house is in danger of being flooded, move any important items, such as financial files and electrical equipment, out of the basement and onto a higher level of the house. Unplug any electrical items in the basement that you are not able to move. Bring in any outdoor furniture if possible and make sure any pets are brought indoors. If flash floods are reported in your area, and you are at a high risk, take immediate action. These floods can occur without warning and are very dangerous.
Prepare for Evacuation
If you are forced to evacuate your house, there are several steps you can take to prepare your house before you leave. Close and lock all windows and doors. Turn off all of your utilities by switching off the main valve. However, if there is standing water on a lower level of the house, do not risk your life by touching electrical equipment. Take the essentials with you, such as car keys, a charged cell phone, credit cards and insurance information.
Driving and Walking in Flood Conditions
Once you have left your house, protect yourself while you are making your way to safety. If there is more than a few inches of moving water outside your door, call for emergency services to help. Though it might seem shallow, fast-moving water can easily cause a person to fall and might contain hazardous objects. Do not drive your car in floodwater. The engine can easily flood, causing loss of control of the vehicle. Just one foot of water can cause a car to float away. If it is impossible to evacuate, move to higher ground or a top level of your house and call for help.