How to Create a Medical Permission Slip

Whether you are a parent who has a child in school or a teacher who is planning a field trip, medical permission slips are vital to the safety of the child when under another person's care. Because you never know when a medical emergency might arise, it is best to have a permission slip on file that authorizes someone to take care of your child when you can't. By following a few simple steps, you can create a medical permission slip to ensure that you and your child are prepared in the case of an emergency.


  1. How to Create a Medical Permission Slip

    • 1

      Open a program on your computer that will allow you to create documents. Three of the most popular programs are Microsoft Word, Excel and Adobe Acrobat. Select the option to create a "new document."

    • 2

      Create information to go on the medical permission slip. Speak from the first-person singular voice. For example, the beginning of the medical permission slip can read, "I (draw a blank for the person's name) do authorize..." Add the name of the organization or individual whom permission is being granted to. Notate that you are granting the organization or individual permission to seek all necessary medical attention for the person. Notate how long the permission slip is valid. For example, if it is for a specific field trip, document the name of the field trip and the date of the field trip.

    • 3

      Create a section on the medical permission slip for the individual's medical information. You should list a place for insurance information, allergies, current medications the person is taking and any illnesses, such as diabetes. List a place for emergency contacts in case someone needs to be reached.

    • 4

      Insert a space at the bottom of the medical permission slip for the authorizing person to sign and print his name. Also create a space for the date of signature submission.

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