What Are the Ingredients in Pepper Spray?
Used as a personal defense aide against attacks by human assailants or vicious animals, pepper spray is a very effective means of fending off dangerous situations. Pepper spray is also called OC spray, which stands for Oleoresin Capsicum. This active ingredient is completely organic and is derived from cayenne pepper. The resins of other chili peppers may be used to create pepper spray as well.-
Other ingredients
Aside from the active ingredient Oleoresin Capsicum, non-active ingredients serve as a base for the spray. These non-active ingredients may be water or oil-based, depending on the manufacturer.
When attacked, victims can spray this product directly into the face of a would be attacker. The result will be temporary blindness, burning, inflammation, pain and difficulty breathing.
Law enforcement officers may also use pepper spray to contain resistant suspects or for riot control.
Time Frame
Anyone who has been sprayed by pepper spray will experience the effects of the spray for anywhere between 30 and 45 minutes.
Pepper spray comes in a variety of containers and applicators including key chain sized spray bottles and containers that have the appearance of lipsticks, pens, pagers and batons.
Pepper spray is a legal method of self defense in all 50 states, although some states do apply certain restrictions.