Emergency Preparedness Training
Emergency preparedness training provides the knowledge needed to respond to an emergency. Federal, state and local authorities use it. This type of training is also available for qualified individuals wanting it. This training is applied at any time or place that an emergency occurs. Emergency preparedness training is used to save lives.
The Department of Defense created the CDP (Civil Defense Program) in 1947. In early 1951, it presented its first training at three locations. The CDSC (Civil Defense Staff College) was established as a countrywide learning location for CDPs training program in Battle Creek, Michigan. President Carter established the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in 1979. This new agency combined the CDP, CDSC, USFA (United States Fire Administration) and other government organizations into one. The CDSC was renamed the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) at this time.
Over 400 different courses are offered at EMI. These courses are available to FEMA personnel, state, local and tribal emergency managers, first responders and volunteer groups all over the country. International management from over fifty countries has taken part in EMI activities and preparation. EMI works with numerous nationally known authorities to provide conferences, exercises and instruction in emergency preparedness.
EMI emergency preparedness classes are offered online or on-campus. To apply online, choose a specific course from the ones listed, answer the questions to enroll in the course. The Independent Study Office will contact you through email. To apply for on-campus courses an application is required. This is available at the EMI website and has a specific timeline to follow. Learn more about EMI emergency preparedness training courses from the website.
Emergency preparedness training obtainable at EMI is vital. The EMI mission is to enhance the proficiencies of every level of government official in the country. EMI training consists of averting, preparing, responding to, pulling through and lessening the possible results of emergencies. This facility is the United States leading emergency preparedness institute for education, exercises and training.