How to Make a Disaster Kit
Things You'll Need
- Water
- MREs
- Hand crank radio
- First aid kit
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- Cell phone
Gather the water. You will need at least one gallon of water per day for every person covered by the disaster kit. Water will only stay fresh for a few months, so keep some bleach on hand to sterilize the water or replace the supply every three to four months.
Collect the MREs. MREs are meals ready to eat. The disaster kit will need enough food for the people you are supporting for three days. Dried fruits, nuts and grains are great choices. If you pack canned foods, make sure to pack a hand crank can opener.
Stay connected. With a hand crank radio and a cell phone, you will be able to stay connected to the outside world. If you have an extra cell phone battery, it is a great idea to keep that charged at all times.
Keep your area lit. The flashlight you pack in your disaster kit can be either hand cranked or battery operated. If you choose the battery operated flashlight, make sure to pack LOTS of extra batteries.
Pack a first aid kit with sterile bandages, disinfectant, scissors and any emergency medications that your family members might need in an emergency, such as extra EpiPens, diabetic or cardiac medications or asthma inhalers.
Protect your disaster kit. All of the items you collected for your disaster kit should be placed in a long, water proof box. The box needs to be kept in a place that is easy to get to and from where the box can easily be moved. The box should not allow sunlight to permeate and the storage area needs to be dry. Every member of the family should know where the disaster kit is located.
Keep the kit to yourself. The supplies in the disaster kit will keep your family alive and well for three or more days. It is important to keep the location of the kit between families members only. During a disaster, looting and theft may climb and these supplies may be your only hope of survival.