MED Alert Necklace
Doctors may advise their patients with certain conditions to wear a medical alert necklace at all times. The necklace serves a number of important purposes. In the case of an emergency, where you are unable to speak, the necklace informs others of your circumstances. The information on the necklace informs them of crucial facts that pertain to what is going on and how it should be treated. A medical alert necklace can contain data regarding severe allergies or different ailments that affect how you should be dealt with. For example if the necklace listed Primary Immune Deficiency Disorder, emergency personnel would know that they couldn't administer a normal blood transfusion. If the necklace revealed that the person has diabetes, a different course of treatment (that would factor in insulin levels and other diabetic related issues) would be implemented.
The description on the necklace shows major medical details that can be invaluable and lifesaving before any treatment is started. A medical alert necklace additionally gives the wearer and their loved ones a sense of safety by knowing that she will be cared for in the right way. It can also eliminate avoidable emergencies hospital admissions because the diagnosis is accounted for right from the start.
Research shows that numerous medical errors take place because of initial mistakes that occur upon admission to healthcare facility. Most of these detrimental errors could have been avoided if the patient was accurately assessed from the onset. The medical ID necklace communicates a record of specific conditions and allergies that need to be made clear. Prior to administering treatment, the medical team is aware of the exclusive health conditions that constitute the need for treatment and the precise way that the treatment should be managed.
Some examples of the ailments that may require a medical ID be worn are: diabetes, blood disorders, immune disorders, breathing disorders, epilepsy, kidney failure, Alzheimer's, dementia, multiple sclerosis and other rare diseases. Individuals who are visually, hearing or mentally impaired, have pace makers or other devices, those with transplants, undergoing specific treatments, on certain medications or have severe allergies may also be advised to wear a medical ID.
Since a range of people (ages, sex) are required to wear medical ID tags, the choices and quality of the jewelry has significantly evolved. It no longer has to stand out as a medical ID, which can make some wearers feel uncomfortable. There are a variety of styles, sizes, shapes and materials to choose from. Your MED alert necklace can be personalized and made from stainless steel, sterling silver, gold, copper and platinum. It can also come in the form of a pendent, medallion and other styles. Below are links to places that specialize in this type of jewelry.
If you require a medical ID, there is a good chance that your insurance may be responsible to pay at least part of the cost. Prior to placing your order, call your insurance provider and see what or how much they cover and if they require you to order it through a specific company.