How to Escape From the Trunk of a Car
Look toward the back seats to see if the car has a wall between the trunk and the seats. Push in on the seats if the car has no wall to allow yourself entry into the cabin of the car. Push with your hands or kick on the seats with your feet if the seats prove difficult to move.
Feel around under the carpet of the trunk for a hidden cable. The cable runs from the driver's seat area to the trunk and serves as a release. Pull on the cable once you locate it to pop the trunk open from the inside.
Search the trunk for any kind of a tool that you can use to pry the trunk door open. Look for a screwdriver or any other tool that you can wedge between the door and the car frame to force the trunk open. Stay inside the trunk until the car stops or slows enough for you to safely exit the vehicle.
Notify other drivers or the authorities by destroying the brake light system in the car. Yank out all the wires you find at the back end of the trunk or kick out the lights themselves to dismantle the lights and possibly alert others to your situation.