How to Give First Aid to an Electrocuted Animal
Stay calm. This may be difficult but, you can only help the animal if you have a clear head to properly assess the situation. Becoming hysterical will hurt and scare the animal. In addition, if you are hysterical, you may hurt yourself.
Determine the best way to get the animal away from the electrical current. It may be possible to simply unplug the item from the outlet. You may find that you have to turn off a breaker to shut off the power. In extreme cases, you may need to move the animal by using a plastic or wooden stick. This should only be done if there isn't another way to get the animal away from the current.
Restrain the animal if necessary. Keep in mind that dogs and cats may become startled and try to bite even if the animal is usually friendly. Using a muzzle is a way to ensure that no one gets injured while trying to help the injured animal
Make sure that the animal is breathing by listening to its nose or mouth. If you find that the animal is breathless, you will need to do the appropriate cardio pulmonary resuscitation or CPR. Do this by clearing the animal's airway, pressing on its chest while covering its nose and then breathing into its mouth.
Cover any obvious burns with a sterile cool cloth. Items that were recently ironed are usually pretty sterile.
Take the animal to the veterinarian. Even if you think that the animal is okay, you should still take it to the veterinarian because internal injuries or hidden injuries are possible.
Follow the veterinarian's instructions for care when the animal is released. Sometimes, an electrocuted animal will require lifelong care. If you are unable to provide this care, find someone who is able to provide it and release the animal into that person's care.