How to Survive an Earthquake When Indoors
Stay where you are. Don't attempt to flee the building or move to another floor despite the pressing and immediate urge you'll most certainly have to do so.
Take shelter underneath a table, a desk or some other strong cover-providing object. If you can't get underneath something, make your way to a doorway and stay in the frame. If a doorway isn't available, hug an inside wall.
Don't stand near a large bookcase, shelf or cupboard holding heavy objects. These could shift and fall on your during the quake.
Stay away from the kitchen. The kitchen is probably the most dangerous room in the house during an earthquake.
Cover your face if you are near a mirror or a window because glass shatters easily during an earthquake. If you have a coat or a blanket handy, cover your face with this.
Stay in your protected spot. The temptation will come again and again to run downstairs or to run outside, but resist this urge.
Wait for several minutes in your protected spot after you think the earthquake has ended to be sure it is over.